Kyrgyzstan: Ak Sai Petroglyphs Кыргызстан: петроглифы Ак Сай The half-day Ak Sai Petroglyphs hike on Issyk Kol’s south shore combines the historical interest of Buddhist Sanskrit petroglyphs (with some modern Soviet-era carvings alongside) with the beautiful landscapes of trekking in Kyrgyzstan. Total Km: 8.5 km Total Days: 1 Elevation Gain/Loss: […]
Tag: Dayhike
Uzbekistan: Dara Valley Loop
Uzbekistan: Dara Valley Loop Ўзбекистон: Долина Дара The Dara Valley Loop is a popular picnic destination for locals from Samarkand and Bukhara looking to escape the desert heat for the cool of the mountains, but is only slowly becoming known amongst international tourists as an option for trekking in Uzbekistan […]
Kazakhstan: Furmanov Peak Trail
Kazakhstan: Furmanov Peak Trail Казахстан: Пик Фурманова The trail to Furmanov Peak, named after the Russian writer and soldier Dmitri Furmanov, is one of the many beautiful routes you can do in the Trans Ile Alatau mountains, a region for great hiking in Almaty. The trail takes you through fragrant […]
Tajikistan: Pindar Valley Loop Trek
Tajikistan: Pindar Valley Loop Таджикистан: Долина Пиндар The Pindar Valley Loop trek is a great day trip option from the village of Margib, the main jumping-off point for the Yagnob Valley. The trek combines lush green summer pastures where locals go to graze their livestock with excellent views from […]
Uzbekistan: Kadvan Valley Ruins
Uzbekistan: Kadvan Valley Ruins Ўзбекистон: Долина Кадван The Kadvan Valley Ruins walk offers an easy half-day walk in Uzbekistan from the popular tourism village of Sentob in Uzbekistan’s Nuratau mountains. The ruins of old Sentob, combined with a few other historical buildings and pleasant natural setting along the Kadvan river, […]
Tajikistan: Artuch Alplager to Chukurak Pass
Tajikistan: Artuch Alplager to Chukurak Pass Таджикистан: Альплагер Артуча до перевала Чукурак This short dayhike from the popular tourist base at the Artuch Alplager climbs to the Chukurak Lakes and Chukurak Pass, from where there are excellent views of the Kulikalon Lakes below. Although it can easily combined with the […]