Recent Hikes

Sentyab Village seen from the Sentyab Ridge
Central Asia, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan: Sentyab Ridge Loop

Uzbekistan: Sentyab Ridge Loop Ўзбекистон: Хребта Сентяб The Sentyab Ridge Loop offers fine landscapes and a fair bit of cultural interest in an easy-half day package great for casual hikers or as a warm up to more challenging routes in the village. Total Km: 9km Total Days: 1 Elevation Gain/Loss: […]

Kol-Tor Lake seen from a Ridge to the Southwest
Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan: Kol Tor Lake (Kegety)

Kyrgyzstan: Kol Tor Lake (Kegety) Кыргызстан: Кол Тор Кегеты Kol Tor Lake is one of the most popular weekend treks for residents of Bishkek – a beautiful walk through pine forests and beneath craggy peaks ends at an aggressively turquoise mountain lake that’s easy to love. Total Km: 10km Total […]

Tourist at Lake Sarez
Central Asia, Tajikistan

Tajikistan: Sarez Lake Trek

Tajikistan: Sarez Lake Trek Таджикистан: Сарезское озеро Among Tajikistan’s largest lakes, Lake Sarez was formed by disaster: in 1911 a 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the Bartang Valley, rattling down the entire face of the mountain, blocking the Murghab River with what is now known as the Usoi Dam. As years […]

Fazilman Lake in the Nuratau Mountains of Uzbekistan
Central Asia, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan: Fazilman Lake Loop

Uzbekistan: Fazilman Lake Loop Ўзбекистон: Фазилман кӯл This one-day loop to the summer pastures at Fazilman Lake is the best option on offer for longer trekking in Uzbekistan‘s Nuratau Mountains. Epic landscapes combine with interesting insights into the culture of the local pastoralist communities for an overwhelmingly positive trekking experience. […]

View of the village of Upper Uxum in Uzbekistan
Central Asia, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan: Villages of Nuratau

Uzbekistan: Villages of Nuratau (Hayat and Uxum to Asraf) Ўзбекистон: села Нуратау (от Хаята и Ухума до Асрафа) Visit three of the small villages of Nuratau mountains on this one-day point-to-point hike, exploring a reserve for endangered argali (Sverdlov’s sheep) in Hayat and the cultural landscapes of the villages of […]

Big Almaty Lake at Night
Central Asia, Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan: Big Almaty Lake

Kazakhstan: Big Almaty Lake Казахстан: Большое Алматинское Озеро Big Almaty Lake is one of the best-known options from Almaty for dayhikes in Kazakhstan, popular among local and foreign tourists alike. It’s a large and stunningly beautiful lake in impressive surroundings, but ease of access from the city also can bring […]