Uzbekistan: Fazilman Lake Loop Ўзбекистон: Фазилман кӯл This one-day loop to the summer pastures at Fazilman Lake is the best option on offer for longer trekking in Uzbekistan‘s Nuratau Mountains. Epic landscapes combine with interesting insights into the culture of the local pastoralist communities for an overwhelmingly positive trekking experience. […]
Central Asia
Central Asia. The 5 -Stans. A region of wild mountains, hospitable nomads, and endless bumpy marthrutka rides. It’s one of the best hiking regions in Asia, or even the world for that matter, but don’t expect much in the way of infrastructure or signage – prepare to be self-reliant and sort out all the logistics yourself.
Pick up most recent Lonely Planet: Central Asia guidebook to start planning your trip.
Uzbekistan: Villages of Nuratau
Uzbekistan: Villages of Nuratau (Hayat and Uxum to Asraf) Ўзбекистон: села Нуратау (от Хаята и Ухума до Асрафа) Visit three of the small villages of Nuratau mountains on this one-day point-to-point hike, exploring a reserve for endangered argali (Sverdlov’s sheep) in Hayat and the cultural landscapes of the villages of […]
Kazakhstan: Big Almaty Lake
Kazakhstan: Big Almaty Lake Казахстан: Большое Алматинское Озеро Big Almaty Lake is one of the best-known options from Almaty for dayhikes in Kazakhstan, popular among local and foreign tourists alike. It’s a large and stunningly beautiful lake in impressive surroundings, but ease of access from the city also can bring […]
Tajikistan: Haft Kol (Seven Lakes)
Tajikistan: Haft Kol (Seven Lakes) Таджикистан: Хафт-Коль (Семь озёр) Hazor Chashma, the Seventh Lake of the Haft Kol (literally: Seven Lakes), is one of the most popular short hiking trips in Tajikistan, particularly among the options in the Fann Mountains region. The short distance, low intensity, and wealth of cultural […]
Uzbekistan: Katta Ej Ruins
Uzbekistan: Katta Ej Ruins Ўзбекистон: Катта Эж The Katta Ej Ruins trek combines a bit of easy hiking in Uzbekistan with the fascinating ruins of an abandoned village and several groupings of petroglyphs nearby, all in an easy one- to two-hour walk. Total Km: 8km Total Days: 1 Elevation Gain/Loss: […]
Kyrgyzstan: Ak Sai Petroglyphs
Kyrgyzstan: Ak Sai Petroglyphs Кыргызстан: петроглифы Ак Сай The half-day Ak Sai Petroglyphs hike on Issyk Kol’s south shore combines the historical interest of Buddhist Sanskrit petroglyphs (with some modern Soviet-era carvings alongside) with the beautiful landscapes of trekking in Kyrgyzstan. Total Km: 8.5 km Total Days: 1 Elevation Gain/Loss: […]